03 December 2008

Over-Priced Beer at Sporting Event!

Shocking news out of England. Aston Villa and West Bromwich Albion are being accused of over-charging their fans for a pint. Liberal Dem MPs are raising a fuss.

The figure is based on the difference between the price of a pint at the Villa ground and the national average for a pint of lager, which is £2.76. They say both clubs charge £3.20 for a pint.
That's like $4.75, which is, what, half the price you'd pay at Fenway? It's very quaint to see British politicians taking up such a pressing issue as beer prices at sports stadiums. US pols have more important issues to tend to, like college football playoffs


A-Rand said...

Last time I was at Fenway, they were $7 and $8 for seemingly close to a pint.

Buttle said...

I just found the article below showing Fenway at most expensive at 60 cents an ounce. I'm not sure if soccer fans are buying British pints of 20 ounces.


A lot of the MLB parks are fairly cheap.

Beer Blokes said...

In Australia we pay around A$5.50 for 375ml (12 oz) but here in Melbourne we have the added whammy of only light or mid strength beer at our biggest sports mecca, the MCG due to years of dickhead behaviour - I don't know which is worse, the price or the beer quality!?

By the way, I loved your comment about metrosexuals and Zima - had to Google Zima to get the full laugh as we were (mercifully) spared from this malt abomnation.
